Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tornado Outbreak 2012

In the mountains of Eastern Kentucky, nestled deep in the valley, is the little town of West Liberty. Just on the outskirts, at the top of one of the mountains, is Morgan County Fairgrounds. I was here for one day in August 2010 with Lewis & Clark Circus. Why am I picking out a town that I was barely in to write about?

Yesterday, March 2, West Liberty was hit by a tornado just two days after being pummeled by one on February 29. So far, it has been reported that three people lost their lives yesterday & the town totally destroyed.  For a town to be doubly devastated within a week kicks my empathy into overdrive. I may not be a resident of  that town but anytime I hear of the loss of life or devastation in a town that I showed, it makes me pause & take stock. I remember the bustling activity of thriving businesses & the patrons that filled our bleachers. I wonder if those that lost their lives might have at one time sat with their children thru one of our performances, delighting in the look of joy on the kid's faces.

After last year's horrific outbreak, I thought that Mother Nature had wreaked her vengenance. For extreme meteorlogical event to occur not even a year later has not been documented, that I am aware of.
The road on the left leads up to the Fairgrounds.
I was pulled to the top by my Boss's bus via
a chain hooked to my Trailblazer.


Since seeing these photos, I am at a loss for words.  I pray for those who lost loved ones & may God give them comfort during these dark hours. For any who read my blog, please spread the word about the relief efforts of the Red Cross. Any donations are welcome to help our fellow countrymen during their hour of need. 

Here is information from the Red Cross website regarding donations:
If someone would like to help people affected by disasters like tornadoes and floods, they can make a donation to support American Red Cross Disaster Relief by visiting, calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or texting the word REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation. Contributions may also be sent to their local Red Cross chapter or to the American Red Cross, P.O. Box 37243, Washington, DC 20013.

 Until later, God Bless...